Increasing your Wealth with Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a good sales tool that can be used for increasing your wealth, although you must use it properly and wisely. Like any other internet marketing technique, you must learn how it works before you risk your money with it.

There are specific techniques to be used with Adwords, since although it is a means of advertising your product or service, and of getting visibility on Google, there are right ways and wrong ways to use it, and these can make the difference between success and failure.

Let us have a look at how to go about increasing your wealth through the correct use of Google Adwords.

The Adwords program takes you through a specific procedure in designing your advert. However, the most important part of that is the advert itself. You should determine what keyword is the most relevant to your product and use that in your title, although in reality your ad placement will be different for each keyword you choose to use. You can choose as many keywords as you like, though it is the most targeted that will make you the most money.

You will pay more per click for the more popular keywords if you want your advert to appear on the first page of eight adverts. Your ad must be at least on the first two pages, or you may as well not bother. That doesn't mean that you will make no sales, only that you won't become very wealthy. In fact, the first page is really needed for true success.

You are allowed 25 characters in your title line, including spaces. Each word should begin with a capital letter for maximum impact, and the title should attract the interest of a reader. It should state clearly and unambiguously what you are offering. Since you are paying for every click, you want every click to be as targeted as possible to your product. If you selling lake golf balls, for example, don't advertise ‘Golf Balls', or even ‘Used Golf Balls', since most of your clicks will be wasted. State clearly that you are selling ‘Lake Golf Balls'.

If they are mostly Titleist, then offer ‘Tiltelist Lake Golf Balls', and then everybody clicking to your site will be looking for exactly what you are offering. The same is true of any item at all: be as specific as you can, and if you are offering four different makes of golf club, then use a different ad for each make.

The second and third lines allow you 35 characters each. In the second you should offer a benefit, such as ‘Save $40 a Dozen on Practice Balls' …#34; exactly 34 characters. The third line should state a feature of the product, such as ‘Real Lake Pro VI Balls for Practice'. The last part of your advert is the URL of the domain on which the products will be found, and again you have 35 characters.

The domain indicated need not be the actual page, which you also must provide in the Adwords program but is not displayed in the advert, but it must be the domain on which the destination page is placed. Incidentally, if your product is an affiliate product, you should still pre-sell it from your own website. You won't make a lot of money without a website because you will also be offering an opt-in page on your site to collect the email addresses of every visitor. Also, only one advert is allowed for each keyword leading to the same destination URL, so you will be in competition with the merchant and other affiliates for that one advert.

That is an important part of your Adwords campaign, allowing you to keep in touch with visitors and making them occasional offers. However, that is not an integral part of your advert. Now you have your advert completed, you choose the keywords you will use to promote it. The more popular the keyword, the more you will pay for that all-important top 8 listing. Use a good keyword tool and find the long-tail keywords that people are using to find your products.

You are not concerned here with SEO because your listing depends on money, not relevance. You are looking for keywords with good demand, but low PPC prices. Much depends on the value of your products, and you should work out how much you can afford to pay for your adverts. Let's say you make $2 per sale. If you are paying 10c a click, you will need to make a sale from every 20 clicks, which is a bit optimistic. If you are making £20 a sale, you will need one sale every 200 clicks which is much lower than average, so you can likely afford 20c a click. However, the better you are at writing targeted ads, the more sales you will convert from each click. If you start calculating at 2% conversion, then that will be a reasonable average. You can adjust that as you get more figures.

One very important aspects of Adwords is testing. Google allows you run three adverts at once for the same campaign so that you can test them against each other, but you can also run one for a month, then make a slight adjustment and try that for a month. Continual testing and tweaking, one word at a time, will eventually provide you with increasingly higher conversion rates of clicks to sales.

There is a lot more to increasing your wealth with Google Adwords, but these are the basics, and if you get that part right you are most of the way there. There are other things you can do, such as target your ads to specific countries, states or even districts, but getting the wording of your advert right is the major initial step.